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Facebook Account Security: Can You Control What People Want to See?

Do you still believe that all the information you share on Facebook stays safe? To be frank, it isn’t exactly. Going by the reports about major data breaches that have appeared in The New York Times and The Observer, it seems a private entity Cambridge Analytica paid a great deal of money to obtain information of more than 50 million users.

The information acquired was then allegedly used to design the election campaign of the then US Presidential candidate Donal Trump. Armed with the data, digital ads were created for the targeted audience, apart from fund-raising appeals, modeling the voter turn-out and so forth.

Now, you place a lot of emphasis on Facebook account security. However, going by the report, it does not seem that your information is not at all safe, as you might like to think.

Perhaps, this is where you have a draw a line. Either you must make some changes to the Privacy Settings or you can consider closing down the Facebook account.

As far as protecting your personal information is concerned, there are few steps that might be of some assistance. This is because closing down the account is by no means a feasible solution. On the contrary, you have to look for a way to implement mechanisms that allow you to control what people can see about on your profile.

This is indeed possible and there are ways to do it.

1. Change your privacy settings: Privacy Settings on Facebook is meant to assist you control, who can see the posts that you share, friends list, phone number and other details. Ensure that you have tweaked the Settings by accessing it from the drop-down menu, in order to stay safe.

2. Choose friends accordingly: Apart from choosing who your friends are, you must actively advise them to enhance their security settings. Make sure to accept the friend request of people you know.

3. Avoid third-party apps: When you install games and other apps on Facebook, it also means you are giving the apps permission to tap into your personal information. Normally. You are required to share personal information, in order to utilize the apps. But then, you also have the option to deselect the sharing option.

At best, you must avoid the third-party apps, for your own good.

4. Opt for enhanced security settings: If possible, make sure to enable two -factor authentication, which then send a code to your phone, while trying to access the account. This in a way, restricts others from accessing the account. In order to make the changes, select “Security and Login” from the drop-down menu and scroll down to select “ Setting up Extra Security” option.

With the steps mentioned above, you have the option to control what you want others to see that gets posted to your FB account. But that’s largely debatable and by implementing the measures, at best you can have a bit of temporary respite.

The primary objective must be to improve the overall security. This takes a bit of hard work. But, in view of the circumstances, where your private information is at stake, it becomes necessary to take some drastic measures. If for any reason, you find the going tough, the best alternative then would be to seek the assistance of the experts from Facebook help live chat team.

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